Add a New Product

Adding a Description

In the vertical menu on the left, hover over Products and click on Add Product. Type in title of your product in the text box at the top of the page. To fill out a long description of the product, fill out the large text box below the title. This description will show up under the Description tab on your product page.

To fill out a short description of your product, fill out the text box titled Product Short Description. This text will show up next to your featured image on your product page and is the first thing that customer will read about your product.

Adding Images

At a minimum, you will want to have a Featured Image for your product. To set your featured image, click on Set featured image and either upload a photo or use one from your media gallery. This is the image that shows on the shop page and is the primary photo on the individual product page. If you would like to add additional product photos, click on Add product gallery images.

Adding Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key component in getting found by customers using search engines. The WordPress SEO by Yoast box helps you optimize your chances. The Keyword is a word or phrase that best describe your product. The SEO Title is auto generated and is the title display in search engines. The Meta Description is the description that displays under the SEO title in search engines.

Once you have published your product, the Page Analysis tab lists what you can improve on and what you are doing right. The colored SEO button is a quick way to determine your optimization, but I would encourage you to check your page analysis even if your button is green as there may still be actions you could take to further optimize your page and improve your chance of your product being found in a search for your keyword.

Adding Product Data

The Product Data box contains all of the relevant details about your product.

In the General tab, you will see where to fill in a SKU (if applicable) and a Regular Price. If you would also like to include a sale price, you can do that as well and schedule when you would like your product to go on sale.

You will manage your inventory in the Inventory tab. If you have a finite amount of your product, you need to click the box next to Enable stock management at product level. This will enable the software to automatically decrease your inventory when an item is purchased. Indicate if your item is in or out of stock in the Stock status dropdown. Indicate if you allow backorders of your product in the Allow Backorders? dropdown. If you want to sell only one of the product in one sale (e.g. if you only have one of each product), click the box next to Enable this to only allow one of this item to be bought in a single order.

You can add or use custom attributes in the Attributes Tab. For example, if you are selling jewelry, you might want to list the total carat weight and the gold content of your jewelry. These custom attributes are then listed under the Additional Details tab on your product page. There are two ways to use custom attributes.

Create local custom attributes

If you have attributes that are unique to a specific product, you may want to just add them to that specific product and not worry about creating global custom attributes.

To do this on the Attributes tab, you will leave Custom product attribute selected in the drop-down and click Add. You can fill out the Name of the attribute as well as the Value(s) of the attribute for your product. If you want these details to show on the product page, make sure that the box next to Visible on the product page is clicked.

You can add additional attributes by repeating the process. Once you are done, click Save attributes.

Use global custom attributes

You can see how to create global attributes here

If you already have custom attributes set up, you can use them in the Attributes tab. Select the attribute that you want to use from the drop-down and click Add. Fill out the Value(s) of the attribute for your product. If you want these details to show on the product page, make sure that the box next to Visible on the product page is clicked.

You can add additional attributes by repeating the process. Once you are done, click Save attributes.

Publish your Product

Congratulations! You are ready to publish your product and make it available to customers for purchase. To do so, click Publish.